
Monday, March 1, 2010

Covering Your Mouth

The mouth.

Such beauty that comes from it. Such foulness that it begets. It is the doorway of our life's breath and nourishment of that same life.We would all be lost without it. In my very humble opinion, second behind the eyes, I consider it the second most alluring thing on the face.

And most definitely, it must be protected.

I mention this because I've noticed a certain trend in fashion concerning the mouth.

Back in 2001, a French film by the name of Le Pact des Loups (Brotherhood of the Wolf), starring Vicent Cassel came out. Cassel and co-star Mark Dacascos don overcoats that button up right past the nose.

'Interesting,' I thought. 'I would love one of those.'

Of course, no one stocked such an overcoat and so I had to give up on the idea of one.

Then Lady Gaga shows up on one of her album covers with a similar look:

For all triathletes, runners or cyclists who live in cold, slightly rainy weather, I found the most badass jacket for this 2010, incorporating my much searched for jacket collar:

The Nalini Palombo Winter Jacket

It covers right up to the nose and comes up right on the hairline, a built-in ski mask on a jacket and it comes in red, black and white.

The only problem with this jacket is that its unisex, making it a little difficult for us women to figure what size would fit us (this jacket goes from size S to XXXL).

Put that together with a pair of nice gloves and you're set!

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