
Monday, November 21, 2011

Pre-Race Dining

If you're anything like me, you probably want to get your nutrition right for your long race and not screw it up. I've seen people come in with cramps, looking like they're punch drunk and with white lips at the end of an Ironman and it's a scary thing.

But you can avoid a good portion of that with a good eating plan, pre-competition.

Some say you need to start a week beforehand with a protein-only diet for three to four days and then to carbo-load the three days prior to the race. Studies have shown that depleting your carbohydrates and then to start them again does not necessarily yield an advantage.

Start three days before your competition and eat good carbs. Cooked veggies, pasta, rice, legumes, meat low in fat, slices of bread, yogurt and fruit are all items you should base your diet on. Also try and consume a little more salt. A good way to do that is to find the mineral water that has the highest salt content, get a relatively large bottle and drink it for the next three days.

The day before the competition be sure to avoid food that will get your intestines going like lettuce (so no salad at the pasta bar the night before), items high in fiber and food that give you gas (beans, boiled eggs, watermelon, peas, corn, papaya, mango).

The day of the race, be sure you eat the foods you know and have tested previously for breakfast. Hydrate yourself 30 minutes before with a bottle of hydration and be sure to drink and eat during the race.

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